Scott Hall

SBA was commissioned to investigate, in conjunction with Pinchin Environmental (Pinchin), the presence of bats within the roof areas of Scott Hall. Due to the extent and weight of the guano within the wood framed structure; structural, health and environmental issues had to be carefully reviewed and considered given the heritage status of the building. 

As the project developed, SBA’s role expanded to incorporate phasing of the work and resulting contract administration of multiple tenders and contractors as well as responding to challenges of scheduling and weather complications and funding approvals. 

Phase I involved extensive work on the roof envelope of the building, completed within a custom, fully enclosed scaffold structure. The work included the removal of bat guano and urea formaldehyde insulation from the roof cavities, replacement of the insulation with a foam-in-place insulation, repair to damaged areas of the dormers and minor repairs to the dormer structure. Re-roofing of the building was carried out using cedar shingles on sloped areas and 2-ply membrane roofing on flat roofs, all incorporating new copper flashings to match the existing.

Phase II involved the repairs and repainting of the exterior woodwork, parging repairs to the chimney, and concrete repairs to the exposed foundation walls. 

Post construction SBA was commissioned to fully assess and document the interior plaster, and prepare costed recommendations for its repair.


CAHP Craftsmanship Award – 2011