Stevens Burgess Architects Ltd. was retained to develop a Long Range Planning / Reuse Study for the Outbuildings at Dundurn National Historic Site in Hamilton, Ontario. The outbuildings consist of the Coach House, the Dovecote and adjoining Tool Shed, the Cockpit, Battery Lodge and the Gardener’s Cottage.
The purpose of the report was to investigate and document the existing layout and condition of each outbuilding; to asses each building and respective landscapes, to address conservation, building code and accessibility upgrades; to assess individual and collective potential to accommodate new museum uses and to look at ways to integrate the picturesque landscape within the museum experience.
A functional needs analysis of the current and future museum operations and requirements was completed with the building condition assessments. The final recommendations and schematic plans integrate the architectural, landscape and museum needs of the site.
Dundurn National Historic Site is a very rare example of a picturesque estate which has survived relatively intact since the concept plan was initiated in 1834-37 and developed further in 1855-56. The current site is approximately 32 acres with Dundurn Castle as its central feature. The property is associated with Sir Allan MacNab, a person of national historic significance. Owned and operated by the City of Hamilton since 1900, it is used as a public park and museum.
CAHP Heritage Planning Award – 2011
204-120 Carlton Street
Toronto, ON M5A 4K2
Tel: 416-961-5690
Email: office@sba.on.ca